Tips to Keep Your Home Smelling Nice and Fresh

One of our favorite things here at The Dust Devils is leaving our customers with a fresh smelling home. Of course, there are days that our team is not there, so we’d like to share some easy tips that you can do to help keep your home smelling nice.
Candles, diffusers and fragrance sprays can do the trick, but spraying heavy fragrances is not always the solution. The strong smells can be a bit overwhelming and can just mask the odors. Try these techniques to help eliminate, instead of hide those bad smells.
Baking Soda
Sprinkle a bit in the bottom of each trash can and keep an open box in your fridge to help absorb and neutralize odors

Use Vinegar
Using vinegar when cleaning is helpful as it serves as a natural deodorizer.
Try this easy DIY fabric spray:
Mix ½ cup of white vinegar, half cup of rubbing alcohol, 1 teaspoon of cornstarch, and about 20 drips of your favorite essential oil. Be sure to shake before use each time, and just mist over clothing or upholstery.
Open The Window
Bring in some fresh air and let the breeze help out your home. Having those open windows may even lift your mood a little!
Essential Oils
Diffusers are a great way to add nice smells to your home, but you don’t necessarily need a diffuser in order to put essential oils to work.
Try a few drops in the center of your toilet paper rolls to keep the bathrooms smelling nice, or add some essential oils to your air conditioner or furnace filters to keep good smells throughout your home.

Coffee Beans
Fill a small jar with coffee beans and place a tealight in the center. When lit, your home will smell delicious!

Put Your Kitchen To Work
Baking some of your favorite smelling spices on low will also fill your home with delicious smells, and you can even use the toasted spices in your cooking.
Try microwaving a little vanilla extract and water for a quick scent boost!
You can fill a pot with water and throw in some herbs, spices and citrus peels, and simmer on your stove. Your home will smell wonderful!

We hope you found some of these tips helpful. We’re also working to create our own signature scent, and would love to hear if you have a favorite smell that you would like for us to consider. Feel free to share with us on our Facebook page!